The Missing Link in Weight Loss

with Dr. Joy Martina

You will learn:

  • How to sleep your fat away
  • How to train your brain for a healthy body
  • How to tune into your body’s wisdom
  • Yhy self love is KEY to healthy, effortless and effective weight loss
  • How to use your nightly sleep hours to reprogram your subconscious mind

Free Gift: Connect to Self Love - A Brain Training to Help You Fall in Love with YOU

Download this FREE power break meditation to connect to the power of your heart and turn on your light.

About Dr. Joy Martina

Dr. Joy Martina, Psychic Psychologist and a Channeler of Christallin Consciousness, specializes in High-Level Intuitive Intelligence Training for entrepreneurs, business owners and celebrities. She is a Bestselling Author, the Creator of the Christallin Oracle Training (a training to develop mastery over our innate psychic abilities), a Master Hypnotist and Trainer of Trainers.

Her best-selling book, “How to Use Your Intuition to Change Your Life” gives everyone the education and insight that was formally given only to masters. Dr. Joy believes that everyone can develop their psychic skills and fundamentally alter their experience of life.

She is passionate about helping people strengthen their intuition, access their internal intelligence and use more of their potential to create the life of their dreams. She adores guiding people out of their stuck states and inspiring them to enjoy life.